10 Innovative Products from MODEX

April 18, 2018
From robotic powered floor scrubbers to cloud-based remote support, here are 10 products from MODEX 2018 that will make you think we've traveled to the future.

MODEX 2018, the biggest manufacturing and supply chain expo in North and South America, featured over 850 exhibits this past week in Atlanta. The exhibits included material handling; logistics and transportation; traditional, manual equipment to computerized, automated systems; and smart, connected supply chain technologies.

The sheer amount of futuristic products isn't a surprise, as MODEX is one of the best places to keep up to speed with your industry's leading trends and research. But, sometimes it's easy to forget where we actually are in relation to the "future" and these products are a great reminder of all of the advances we're making in the world of manufacturing. 

If you weren't able to make it to MODEX, don't worry; We've selected a few innovative products to share with you that really caught our eye.

About the Author

Laura Davis | Product Editor

Laura Davis is editor-in-chief of New Equipment Digest, a sister publication to Material Handling & Logistics.