MH&L Wire


Labor Management

Forklift Crushes Massachusetts Stop & Shop Worker

Jan. 30, 2017
The incident marks the 21st death attributed to forklifts in the New England region in the past ten years.
Technology & Automation

Self-Driving Vehicles Still Have a Long Road to Climb

Jan. 24, 2017
Odds are the six levels of self-driving cars will become much more well known once higher-level self-driving cars are on the market.
Labor Management

Avoiding the Forgetting Curve

Jan. 24, 2017
Forgetting is an evolutionary advantage: if the brain retained every memory and held onto every bit of information it takes in, it would be impossible for individuals to act....
Global Supply Chain

Advantages & Disadvantages of the EU According to Business Leaders

Jan. 17, 2017
On Tuesday, British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to give a speech on what the planned Brexit will look like. Most observers think she will opt for the so-called “hard Brexit...
Labor Management

Quantifying the Benefits of Quality: Employee Training and Incentives

Jan. 11, 2017
This fourth and final article in a series from APQC examines the relationship between employee training and incentives, and the financial benefits of quality.
MH&L Wire

John Glenn -- What Makes A Hero?

Dec. 22, 2016
What makes a hero? Is it climbing atop a missile to be lofted into orbit? Is it distinguished combat flying? Working diligently in elective office? Is it undying loyalty to one...
Lean organizations need individuals who remain alert to changes adept at decisionmaking and focused on strategic goals
Labor Management

Know the Difference Between ‘Edutainment’ and Training

Dec. 13, 2016
U.S. manufacturing businesses are generally lean organizations as a matter of efficiency — they don’t pay for things that don’t contribute to profitability — but for this to work...
Labor Management

Programming Your Worker for A Good Night's Sleep

Dec. 8, 2016
Sleep deprivation contributes to unsafe driving habits and loss of productivity on the job.
MH&L Wire

Strategic Thinking In The Face of Uncertainty

Dec. 6, 2016
How to ensure ensure your strategic thinking is optimized in spite of unpredictable world events.