
Supply Chain Execution Solution

Aug. 6, 2019
BluJay Global Trade Network (GTN) 19.2 is a cloud-based technology platform that delivers a suite of supply chain execution applications and GTN ecosystem.

BluJay Solutions has introduced BluJay Global Trade Network (GTN) 19.2, a cloud-based technology platform that delivers a suite of supply chain execution applications and GTN ecosystem.

Enhancements include:

Data SharingBluJay’s Transportation Management, a core solution, is a single platform and workflow handling transportation planning, execution, settlement, and procurement processes. Delivering increased efficiency and lower costs for shippers, Transportation Management in version 19.2 introduces document sharing between shippers and carriers. Both parties can now upload and share documents to the platform, eliminating the need to attach them to a load. By creating document threads, users can add and replace files and identify the most recent version of a document.

Easier Movement of Goods—Transportation Management now also supports product classification details for Dangerous Goods and U.S. Export Filing–Partner Governing Agency (PGA) requirements. This information can roll up from the order to other screens in the TMS.

UPS Dangerous Goods enhancements are also added for BluJay’s Parcel solution, an enterprise-class, multi-carrier shipping management system. This includes lithium batteries support, declaration and manifesting, keeping shippers current with transport regulations while eliminating disruptions that can delay delivery times.

BluJay’s Transportation Management for Forwarders now has full integration with Importer Security Filing (ISF), also known as 10+2, enabling users to electronically file and send data to United States’ Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at least 24 hours in advance of an ocean shipment’s departure, as required to seamlessly transfer goods into the United States.

BluJay’s Customs Management is a multi-country, multi-language software solution designed to automate customs compliance documentation for friction-free global trade.

Providing real-time tracking and last-mile routing across the supply chain, MobileSTAR helps deliver enhanced customer experiences. A number of improvements have been added to MobileSTAR, including enhancements to visibility in transit and delivery, along with filtering for positions and by roles. Also in release 19.2, Control Tower has been mobilized, allowing searchable statuses of Purchase Orders, Transport Orders and Customs records using MobileSTAR, making it easier to do business.

BluJay Solutions

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