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How Does Automation Build Efficiency in Cold Storage Operations?

Discover how cold storage automation can enhance efficiency, reduce labor, expand capacity, increase throughput, and boost safety. Join us to transform your cold storage operations using proven robotic technologies and stay ahead in the industry!

October 8, 2024

12:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM CT / 9:00 AM PT / 5:00 PM GMT

Duration: 1 hour

Sponsors: Movu Robotics & KPI Solutions

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In this webinar, we'll explore the transformative impact of automated storage and retrieval in cold storage operations. Led by industry experts, we’ll discuss how automation and robotics can:

  • Streamline operations 
  • Reduce labor reliance 
  • Expand capacity 
  • Increase throughput 
  • Improve safety in temperature-controlled environments.

Join us to unlock the full potential of your facility  and deliver cold chain excellence! 


Nate Richter | President - Movu US | Movu Robotics

Nate Richter is the President of Movu Robotics US, where he leads the company's efforts to deliver innovative robotic solutions that enhance warehouse automation and supply chain efficiency. With a strong background in robotics and industrial automation, Nate is dedicated to driving technological advancements that optimize operational performance. Under his leadership, Movu Robotics US continues to expand its industry footprint, offering cutting-edge technologies that help businesses streamline their logistics and meet the demands of a rapidly evolving market.

Nate has over 15 years of experience in the supply chain and material handling industry and currently serves as Vice Chair of MHI's ASRS Industry Group. Throughout his career, he has sold, developed, and implemented solutions involving robotics, AMR, ASRS, conveyance, and custom machines across nearly all vertical markets that benefit from these technologies.

Richard Kooistra | Senior Vice President | KPI Solutions

As Senior Vice President at KPI Solutions, Richard brings 30 years of experience in logistics and supply chain optimization, warehouse automation, and systems integration. His role includes consulting with clients to elevate warehouse operations, evaluating the benefits of materials handling and robotics, and creating return on investment analysis.

He has designed and implemented improved operational plans for companies in a wide range of industries, including food and beverage, cold storage, and consumer goods. Most recently, Richard was a Vice President at Twinlode Automation, a specialized rack provider, that was acquired by KPI Solutions in 2023. His professional resume also includes management positions at leading materials handling firms Swisslog, Konstant, Interroll and Rite-Hite.

Richard holds a bachelor’s in business science from Ryerson University in Toronto.


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