Ports Push Environmental Policy

April 22, 2009
As part of its effort to build on environmental initiatives, the Georgia Ports Authority will formalize an Environmental Policy.

“While the Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) has completed several environmental projects over the years, the purpose of the Environmental Policy is to formalize guidance as to how the port will operate with respect to the environment,” said a statement by the port authority.

“Efficient cargo movement is our job, and this policy establishes the framework by which we will evaluate our operations and determine how we can operate in an even more environmentally friendly manner,” explained Doug J. Marchand, GPA’s executive director. “As our environmental programs evolve at our facilities, this new policy will be considered in present and future decisions.”

The GPA is one of five North American ports chosen to participate in the Environmental Management System program sponsored by the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA). GPA’s new policy states that the Authority will meet or exceed environmental regulations; measure and continually improve performance; minimize pollution from port operations; and communicate its performance to the community.

“Further improving our environmental performance is good business and can improve the bottom line,” said Stephen S. Green, GPA’s chairman of the board. “The Authority is committed to conducting our operations in an environmentally responsible manner, and this policy will help us better achieve that goal.”

For more information on the AAPA-sponsored program: www.aapa-ports.org/Issues/USGovRelDetail.cfm?ItemNumber=889

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