NITL reported that in conversations with Lowenthal he said he is solicitingamendments from fellow legislators and the governor. He has added a provision that specific projects to be financed by the fees would be added to the proposal.
Lowenthal did not offer a time frame for when he would advance the bill. Industry sources told NITL the potential for legal action contesting port fees and an approved ban on owner-operators could be determining factors in that timing.
In other news, the US Department of Transportation (DOT) announced Los Angeles is eligible for more than $213 million in Congestion Reduction grants. The state could use the grants to convert some high-occupancy-vehicle lanes (HOV) in to toll lanes. Electronic tolling technology could be used to charge drivers for access to the less-congested HOV lanes. Fees could be adjusted based on traffic levels.
Related stories:
LA/Long Beach Proceeding With Tax (12/20/2007)
California Container Tax Defeated (9/7/2007)
$60 Container Tax Added At California Ports (9/12/2006)
California Bill Would Tax Containers (9/6/2006)
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