July Conveyor Shipments Up 3.5% over Year Ago

Sept. 13, 2013
However orders are down 17.2% for the same period.

The Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association reported that its July 2013 billed sales (shipments) increased by 3.5% when compared to July 2012 sales. July 2013 billed sales when compared to June 2013 billed sales were up 5.4%.

Julybilled sales were down 9.0% for bulk handling equipment and up 14.8% for unit handling equipment when compared to June.

CEMA’s July 2013 booked orders decreased 17.2% when compared to July 2012 orders. July 2013 booked orders when compared to June 2013 booked orders were down 11.0%.

Julybooked orders were down 15.3% for bulk handling equipment and down 8.2% for unit handling equipment when compared to June.

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