CM Labs
66b0fdd026ed0c17ccf42d25 Cm Labs Forklift Safety Training Simulation

Forklift Safety Simulation Training

Aug. 5, 2024
CM Labs Simulations has launched the Forklift Safety+ Add-On Module, a simulated training solution that can replicate water and its inherent properties, creating slippery conditions in tight corners.

CM Labs Simulations has launched the Forklift Safety+ Add-On Module, a simulated training solution that can replicate water and its inherent properties, creating slippery conditions in tight corners.

Operators can use the training module to work on right-of-way principles, interacting with pedestrian and forklift traffic, and many other important aspects of forklift safety. By simulating realistic worksite environments and their hazards, such as wet surfaces, the add-on module allows operators to practice dangerous scenarios in a safe and risk-free environment.

In addition to providing advanced safety exercises, the add-on module also provides teachable moments to trainees.

CM Labs

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