Point One Navigation
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Tagging System for Drones

June 11, 2024
Point One Navigation (P1) has launched a new tagging system for its precise positioning Polaris network for drones.

Point One Navigation (P1) has launched a new tagging system for its precise positioning Polaris network for drones, which allows users to work with P1’s API as if it were one of their own native applications. They can attach their own data to P1’s devices. The tagging features enables them to query things in the system with their native IDs, model numbers, regions, etc. It becomes a drop in capability for their existing systems.

Because there’s no pull->store->join steps, this enables real-time operations with P1’s GraphQL subscriptions API.

Another new feature is a device search UI in the web app that enables users to filter and query their devices by tags, connection status, or attributes. By using the new search feature, support teams can pull up all of their customers’ active devices and display them on a map in real time.

This also enables drone fleet managers to pull up all devices of a specific type, or that belong to a specific business unit, etc.

Point One Navigation