657a24dc0c69af001efbec55 Unicarriers Triathlon

Lithium-Ion Battery and Charger

Dec. 1, 2023
Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas’ Triathlon Lithium-ion battery and charger solutions are available on most UniCarriers Class I and III forklifts..

Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas’ Triathlon Lithium-ion battery and charger solutions are available as factory-installed options on most UniCarriers Class I and III forklift models across North America & Latin America.

Key features include:

Consistent performance, even at lower state of charge;

Elimination of battery changeover during shifts;

Higher availability with the ability to fast charge/opportunity charge;

Reduced operation and maintenance costs;

No gassing—zero emissions.

Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas