Ultimation Industries
Mdr Curve Section From Ultimation 643805ab43cca

Curved Conveyors

April 13, 2023
Ultimation Industries has introduced curved motor-driven roller (MDR) conveyor segments for on-line quick-ship users.

Ultimation Industries has introduced curved motor-driven roller (MDR) conveyor segments for on-line quick-ship users. MDRs operate with 24-volt DC power and use motorized rollers within the conveyor frames to move products from location to location. They use zero pressure accumulation, which means loads continue moving along the MDR conveyor until they get close to (but do not touch) the product unit in front, ensuring there are no gaps in the assembly line.

Curved sections allow manufacturers and distributors to create a full-loop system or configure conveyors around warehouse obstacles or other equipment. The MDR curved conveyor section comes in a variety of lengths to meet users’ needs.

The powered rollers are universal and can be used in curved or straight MDRs.

Ultimation Industries

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