Mallard Manufacturing
Mallard Manufacturing Ergo Build 63ed4cace7312

Semi-Automated Layer Pick System

Feb. 13, 2023
Mallard Manufacturing has launched Ergo-Build, a space and labor-saving layer pick solution for mixed-SKU pallet building with pallet flow.

Mallard Manufacturing has launched Ergo-Build, a space and labor-saving layer pick solution for mixed-SKU pallet building with pallet flow. Mallard’s semi-automated Ergo-Build lanes combined with pallet flow consolidates layer picking activity within a single aisle.

Reverse flow lanes equipped with Ergo-Build pallet separators are interspersed with pallet flow lanes. Pallet flow lanes feed pallets toward the layer pick aisle. Forklifts (using layer pick attachment) pick carton layers to build rainbow pallets on the Ergo-Build lanes. The Ergo-Build pneumatic pop-up separator holds the rainbow pallet in place at the pick aisle until the forklift operator presses the remote release button. Once released, the complete rainbow pallet flows to the opposite aisle for pick up.

Mallard Manufacturing

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