6 River Systems The Bridge 5f750d5449e88

Robotic Fulfillment Solution

Sept. 30, 2020
6 River Systems has introduced The Bridge, which connects the data from what’s happening on the ground in a physical warehouse operation to an intuitive cloud-based control center.

To provide more visibility into operations and increase efficiency, 6 River Systems (6RS) has introduced The Bridge, an overarching tool that connects the data from what’s happening on the ground in a physical warehouse operation to an intuitive cloud-based control center.

This tool gives users the ability to fine-tune and control each aspect of their operation and optimize their warehouse to meet the unique needs of the business by leveraging the following features:

SLA Management: Monitor how an operation is tracking to its SLA commitments through enhanced order management and order tracking functionality.

Embedded Operational Dashboards: Visibility into key metrics and data that help operators understand and monitor the health of their systems, giving them the power to proactively fix issues to keep the operation moving smoothly.

Exception Management: Resolve exceptions on orders with the click of a button.

Additional updates to the system that increase visibility into warehouse operations include:

Site Simulations: Improve labor planning and SLA compliance with simulation tools that show the impact of changes in demand and service levels.

Actionable Insights: Increase operations performance and realize continuous improvement.

To further support all operations within the warehouse, 6RS has also announced the following wall-to-wall product enhancements:

Inbound Dock Support: Leverage host system information to optimize the efficiency of receiving, article inspection, and putaway tasks by guiding associates through their work using intuitive software prompts.

Count and Move: Access host system information to optimize tracking, counting, and move assignments.

Optimized Packout: Improve packout efficiency and reduce outbound shipping costs. Cartonization functionality, made possible through 6RS’ partnership with Packsize, utilizes product size and weight information to ensure the most economical shipper box or envelope is used.

Improved Picking: Achieve optimal productivity and SLA compliance through improved allocation algorithms that groups tasks more intelligently to minimize associate travel.

6 River Systems

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