Trapo Loading System 5f46bb4b4566b

Automated Loading/Unloading

Aug. 26, 2020
The TRAPO Loading System TLS 3600 is a fully automated logistics solution for the loading and unloading of trucks and containers with pallets.

The TRAPO Loading System TLS 3600 is a fully automated logistics solution for the loading and unloading of trucks and containers with pallets. With this cross-industry solution, it’s designed to close the gap between the warehouse and loading ramp.

The space-saving car loader can carry up to 3.6 tonnes payload per row. As an option, the TLS can be placed on rails and thus moves at right angles to the loading axis, enabling it to serve several lifts. It can be integrated into any production, storage and sequencing system. Depending on the requirements, several TLS can operate simultaneously in one loading zone.

The loading of trucks and containers with pallets takes place in four sequences. First, pallets are placed in rows next to each other on the stationary part of the TLS. Then the mobile loading unit picks up the rows and transports them into a truck or container. At the loading ramp, the TLS not only automatically compensates for height differences, it navigates autonomously, bypasses any obstacles that occur, and also compensates for differences at the ramp. Unloading then takes place in exactly reverse order. Additionally, many TLSs can operate at once.


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