75% of Logistics Companies Focus on Sustainability

75% of Logistics Companies Focus on Sustainability

May 31, 2024
Logistics Hall of Fame survey found companies invested in the areas of compliance, climate and employees.

The issue of sustainability is becoming increasingly more important to logistics companies for a variety of reasons. In the latest Logistics Hall of Fame Trend Survey released on May 24, the majority of  transport and logistics companies currently rate the risk of suffering financial losses due to the effects of climate change as medium to high. 

For this reason, 75% of the companies surveyed have already invested in sustainability-related areas of responsibility based on ESG criteria. 

When looking at the individual areas of responsibility according to ESG criteria, the companies surveyed stated that they had primarily invested in the areas of compliance (83.3%), climate (77.8%) and employees (72.2%).

Health and safety is also very important to companies - 61.1% of survey participants had already invested in this segment.

The areas of resource scarcity (16.7%), biodiversity and demographic change (11.1% each) play a rather subordinate role.

“It is now more important thanever for logistics companies to actively address the issue of sustainability,” emphasizes Thomas Wicke, Managing Director of the Schunck Group, a sponsor of the report, in a statement. “ESG criteria - environmental, social and governance - are not just buzzwords, but decisive factors that strengthen customer trust, reduce regulatory risks and ensure long-term economic success.”

The survey is conducted several times a year with a C-level panel of managing directors, board members, and entrepreneurs from the Logistics Hall of Fame network and the Schunck Group. 

When asked about the risks that currently cause the greatest danger to the logistics industry worldwide, the topic of cybercrime (83.3%) took first place, as in the previous surveys in the survey series.

This is followed by a shortage of skilled workers (50%) and political risks (41.7%), and then supply chain disruptions (33.3%).

Compared to the surveys of previous quarters, the fear of cybercrime has increased further, while the risk of a shortage of skilled workers is currently perceived as slightly less threatening. Possible risk factors such as the outbreak of a pandemic or natural disasters, on the other hand, play a subordinate role in the risk ranking. 

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