
Why Nearshoring is a Better Option for North American Companies

Nov. 19, 2014
As traditional offshore locations like India, China and Eastern Europe have increased in cost, the  advantages of nearshore outsourcing versus traditional offshoring have also increased.

Over the past few years, resources in traditional offshore locations like India, China and Eastern Europe have increased in cost, and the argument of price has nearly been wiped off the table when comparing total cost of ownership. The more obvious advantages of outsourcing a team to Central and South American have been discussed in depth, including shared time-zones, communication and cultural fit. But after over a decade of managing successful development projects with displaced teams, we have uncovered many less tangible but critical advantages of nearshore outsourcing versus traditional offshoring.

The infographic below, prepared by Venice Consulting Group, illustrates why nearshore outsourcing is the better option for North American companies.

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