Electronic Industry Joins Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Electronic Industry Joins Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Initiative

Feb. 24, 2015
The goal of the partnership is to encourage electronics companies to disclose through CDP’s supply chain program.

In order to help expand greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting and reductions in the electronics supply chain, the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition has joined with CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project).

The goal of the partnership is to encourage electronics companies to disclose through CDP’s supply chain program. The program can help drive GHG reporting further down the supply chain. All submitted data is independently assessed against CDP’s respected scoring methodology, and CDP scores enable benchmarking and easy identification of best practices in corporate climate leadership.

“Through this partnership with CDP, we aim to have more electronics suppliers reporting on greenhouse gas emissions than ever before, develop the strongest supply chain GHG emissions mapping of any industry, and help our members with their own supplier benchmarking and reporting so they can drive cost-effective GHG reductions,” said Rob Lederer, executive director, EICC.

The initial reporting cycle will start on April 1 and will be completed by July 31, 2015. Following this period, the EICC and CDP plan to publish joint reports on industry trends in GHG reporting and help EICC members develop product supply chain GHG inventories.

“In the past year, suppliers reported 3.5 million metric tons of carbon reductions directly as a result of customer engagement through our program,” said Dexter Galvin, head of CDP’s Supply Chain Program.

Last year the EICC reaffirmed its commitment to reducing energy consumption and GHG emissions in supply chains by including GHG reporting and reduction in its updated Code of Conduct and Validated Audit Protocol, which go into effect on April 1, 2015.

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