Photo from PIUS UTOMI EKPEI/AFP/Getty Images

Help Keep Ebola Out of Human Supply Chains

Sept. 19, 2014
Industrial supply chain professionals can play a key role in helping stop the spread of Ebola through the chain of human contacts in West Africa.

Ebola is spreading in West Africa via the human supply chain and the American Logistics Aid Network (ALAN) is coordinating delivery of critical supplies to help stop its spread. An important part of this effort is to protect the health aid professionals and volunteers from acquiring the disease as they move to prevent its spread. The solution is to provide personal protective equipment (PPE), but re-stocking these critical items is difficult because borders are closed, and many commercial carriers have stopped service to the affected countries.

ALAN is working in concert with other logistics focused nonprofit partners to enable a coordinated supply chain of aid to transport these much needed supplies.  The organization is delivering on behalf of nonprofit global health organizations that have collected or purchased PPE and are donating it to the Ministries of Health for the countries suffering. To date its partners have delivered 20,000 pounds of materials to Liberia and Sierra Leone, with an additional 100,000 pounds being staged right now.

ALAN is seeking financial donations to support this response. The goal is to stop this disease through the services of the supply chain industry. ALAN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so your gift will be tax deductible. To give online, visit

If you would prefer to assist via in-kind support, U.S. ground transportation and cargo re-packaging services are needed. Please contact Executive Director Kathy Fulton at [email protected]

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