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Disney and Fortna Hire MH&L Board Members

Sept. 20, 2013
Shekar Natarajan joins Disney and Russ Meller joins Fortna.

Two of MH&L’s editorial advisory board members have advanced into new career roles.

Shekar Natarajan (left) is now v.p. of business process and technology for The Walt Disney Company. Previously he served as the North American senior director of supply chain planning for Anheuser Busch.
Russell Meller has been named vice president, research & development at Fortna, the global professional services firm specializing in logistics. Prior to joining Fortna, Meller was a faculty member in the engineering colleges at Auburn University, Virginia Tech and most recently, the University of Arkansas, where he held the Hefley Professorship in Logistics and Entrepreneurship. Meller also led CELDi, the Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution, the largest applied research consortium in the U.S., comprised of six universities and 25 commercial and government organizations.

Both gentlemen are fielding reader questions, as are the rest of their colleagues on MH&L’s board, as part of the magazine’s new “Ask the Experts” forum. Visit now to join the conversation.

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