DaimlerChrysler deploys wireless solution to improve plant operations

Sept. 19, 2005
Automaker DaimlerChrysler is using a Symbol enterprise mobility solution within its Kassel plant in Germany to reduce costs and improve worker productivity.

Automaker DaimlerChrysler is using a Symbol enterprise mobility solution within its Kassel plant in Germany to reduce costs and improve worker productivity. DaimlerChrysler is using Symbol’s mobile computers and Mobility Services Platform (MSP) to capture, move and manage data collected during various stages of the production cycle, including the delivery of material, warehousing and shipment of axles for commercial vehicles.

“We selected Symbol mobile computers for their robustness, ease of use, and flexibility to install our own applications. The Symbol MC9000 has significantly enhanced the efficiency of DaimlerChrysler’s staff,” said. “For the first time,

This represents the first time a DaimlerChrysler plant has adopted a single mobility solution within its complete production cycle, according to Karsten Götze, partial project leader WLAN Infrastructure within the SAP Automotive project at DaimlerChrysler in Kassel.

The facility, which produces axles for commercial vehicles, gathers large amounts of data about production, storage of products, shipping and receiving and delivery of finished products. Counting and labeling every screw, grommet and axle by hand is a costly and time-consuming process for DaimlerChrysler. The mobile computers have helped to shorten this process by collecting data and wirelessly transferring it via a secure wireless LAN to a printer.

All applications on the handheld computer are directly connected to DaimlerChrysler’s SAP Automotive System via the Mobisys Solution Builder, an SAP-certified add-on tool for Symbol mobile computers.

In addition, a Symbol Mobility Services Platform (MSP) agent is embedded in the mobile computer, helping to address the growing challenges associated with deploying, managing and maintaining a mobile enterprise. DaimlerChrysler can now automatically manage, deploy and install new applications on all Symbol mobile computers and remotely test the devices, which helps save time and operational costs associated with manual testing.




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