Foreign Trade Zone System Integrates With Trade Services

Aug. 31, 2009
QuestaWeb released a foreign trade zone (FTZ) operations system which integrates with global trade services solutions

QuestaWeb Inc. released its Web-based foreign trade zone (FTZ) product which the company says offers fully automated and integrated, rule-based functionality and reporting and integration tools along with multiple electronic links to government agencies.

The software assures precise control over US Customs–supervised inventory, including compliant movements, FTZ manufacturing, and overall adherence to Customs’ rules and regulations, says QuestaWeb. The QuestaWeb FTZ tool involves no transaction fees.

The company says the system unifies import, export, logistics, compliance, FTZ manufacturing and financial processes including customs clearance, Harmonized Tariff Schedule classifications, export licensing, denied party screening, comprehensive product catalog, tracking, event management and international document repository.

It can be seamlessly connected to the importer’s ERP system, if desired, allowing shared data sources, says QuestaWeb. The system incorporates information-sharing capabilities with QuestaWeb’s import, export, customhouse brokerage and freight-forwarding modules when used in conjunction with other TradeMaster modules, reducing data redundancy.

The module delivers instant compliance verification and supports management by exception where processes proceed without human intervention unless a specific issue, such as missing data, occurs.

The system allows direct electronic filing of Customs Form (CF) 214, Fully automated manufacturing and manipulation procedures, auto-generation of CF 216, direct electronic filing to customs, FTZ entries, weekly estimates and in-bonds, all-inclusive database of pre-classified parts/products, including bills of material. It can also support the Automated Export System (AES) to file export manifest information directly with customs.

QuestaWeb Inc.

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