Projections Say U.S. Trade Imbalance to Continue

May 17, 2004
In analyzing the international supply chain, Colography sees three long-term trends that will continue to influence global comers. One is the continuing

In analyzing the international supply chain, Colography sees three long-term trends that will continue to influence global comers. One is the continuing need to assure a secure supply chain. Two as globalization continues, the consulting firm sees inventory and warehousing operations to be placed on all continents. Three is the continue growth of goods and services being purchased through the Internet – e-business.

The report presents the view of supply chains and challenges greatly different than what existed just a few years ago. It does not commend or condemn new commerce needs, seeking only to present the current state of the market.

Conclusions are not negative when applied to those engaged in logistics business. “As multi-national corporations re-position their global production networks to capitalize on cost-effective sources of manufacturing and labor,” says Colography, “they will increasingly rely on their shipping partners to manage all the moving parts and deliver product to market in a safe and timely fashion.”

To learn more about The Colography Group and its white papers, visit its web site,

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