Diebold Selects Menlo For Lead Logistics Provider

May 7, 2008
Diebold Inc. will expand its relationship with Menlo Worldwide by establishing Menlo as its principal worldwide logistics management provider.

Menlo will assume responsibility for projects, workstreams, operating plans and management of logistics service providers.

Menlo's expanded responsibilities will focus on warehouse network rationalization and optimization and implementation of processes to identify and reduce waste and inefficiency, according to the company. Diebold has a long-standing relationship with Menlo to provide transportation management services.

“Menlo has worked diligently to ensure that our needs and those of improving service to our customers remain the central focus of our relationship,” said George S. Mayes Jr., senior vice president of global manufacturing and supply chain at Diebold.

Diebold is a global leader in integrated self-service delivery and security systems and services.

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