CLM Expands Research Efforts

March 24, 2004
The aim of the Council of Logistics Management (CLM) in expanding its research efforts and taking on sponsorship of the State of Logistics Report is to

The aim of the Council of Logistics Management (CLM) in expanding its research efforts and taking on sponsorship of the State of Logistics Report is to provide more member value through programs and services that are simple to understand and use, says Maria McIntyre, executive vice president. Another aspect is trying to communicate the importance of logistics at the CEO level. "We are trying to make it imperative at the CEO level that the logistics department operates as efficiently as it can and that it is given the resources and tools it needs," she says. She is hoping senior management will recognize that one of those tools is professional membership in CLM.

"Not everyone at the senior executive level has gone through the ranks and knows the value of logistics to the supply chain," says McIntyre. In addition to the annual State of Logistics Report, CLM is completing a research project that carries the long working title Corporate Value of Logistics - Assessing, Measuring and Communicating Logistics Value at the Level of the CEO. Previous work has improved the knowledge base, but CLM feels professionals are still unable to articulate the contribution and impact of logistics from a financial perspective.

The initial focus of a multi-faceted research effort will include objective evidence that links logistics performance to financial performance or shareholder value.

Another project will focus on performance standards. The first of the six parts is nearly complete. Its working title is Logistics and Supply Chain Process Performance Standards. It will highlight best practices in logistics and supply chain management processes. The goal is to promote self-assessment, define minimum performance expectations, and enable benchmarking and promote cross company evaluation of service levels.

Other projects geared to the practitioner include a white paper on connectivity and radio frequency identification (RFID).

Bob Delaney and Rosalyn Wilson will present the results of the 15th Annual State of Logistics Report to the industry press on June 7th in Washington, DC. The full report will be presented at the Annual Conference of the Council of Logistics Management October 4-6, 2004 in Philadelphia.

For membership information or further information on any of the current or previously published research conducted on behalf of the Council of Logistics Management, visit

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