Pilot and PMG Provide Real-Time SCOR Benchmarking

Jan. 8, 2007
Pilot Software Inc. (Mountain View, Calif.) formed a partnership with Performance Measurement Group (PMG, Waltham, Mass.), to provide companies with the

Pilot Software Inc. (Mountain View, Calif.) formed a partnership with Performance Measurement Group (PMG, Waltham, Mass.), to provide companies with the ability to track and manage supply chain performance using industry-standard Supply-Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model metrics.

“When executing a comprehensive supply chain benchmarking project with our Supply Chain Performance Indicator service, companies typically employ project teams from various functional organizations within the company to accumulate the needed data,” said Ed Salley, President of PMG. In the past, to use the benchmark intelligence derived from the SCOR model required companies to develop and implement customized and non-standard spreadsheet reporting solutions that added little value to real-time management decision making. By including the SCOR metrics within PilotWorks, PMG and Pilot have created the ability for companies to continuously review operational performance--from a company internal and industry-based external perspective--using the industry standard SCOR metrics as an ongoing means of operational measurement and management.

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