Upgrade Skills with These Popular MIT Sloan Courses

Oct. 15, 2008
Two two-day programs are aimed at providing senior managers with new skills for creating and leading successful projects, products and organizations

Two two-day programs are aimed at providing senior managers with new skills for creating and leading successful projects, products and organizations.

Both courses are being presented in Cambridge, MA. They offer special curriculum to permit senior managers to earn an MIT Sloan Executive Certificate in Technology, Operations and Value Chain Management. They are part of the MIT Sloan School of Management’s Executive Series on Management, Innovation & Technology.

Described as presenting best practices for outsourcing, globalization and service enhancements, “Developing a Leading Edge Operations Strategy,” presents strategic insights on offshoring, longer supply chains, vertical integration, distribution, global networks, plant location, capacity issues and linking the company to the customer, according to MIT Sloan. It will be offered three times: November 17-18, 2008; May 4-5, 2009; and July 27-28, 2009.

MIT Sloan notes that the second course, “Supply Chain Strategy and Management,” covers managing the impact of offshoring, end-to-end supply integration, new supply chain technologies and the changing relationship between product design and supply chain strategy. Offered on November 19-20, 2008; May 6-7, 2009; and July 29-30, 2009, the course features faculty from the Sloan School of Management and Engineering School.

Maureen Tracy is the program coordinator. Call 781-239-1111 or visit the web site: http://mitsloan.mit.edu/execed.

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