Barcoding, Inc. offers the CaptureTech key management system, which uses radio frequency identification (RFID) and barcode technology to enable users to more efficiently, securely and reliably manage keys. The system features KeyCop, an RFID-enabled seal to which keys are attached. It stores information, such as a specific number, in an Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) RFID tag. Users can retrieve this information by reading the number on the seal or by scanning the barcode or RFID tag.
Software allows users to manage key data, including the registration of in and outbound keys and inventory. The software also provides full reporting capabilities for easy audit trail creation. The KeyConductor electronic key cabinet is a system of “blades,” or shelves, that hold 12 key positions. Using either barcode or RFID technology depending on the number of keys, the KeyConductor allows authorized users to log into the system via an integrated keypad and display. The key for which the user is authorized will light up and is unlocked. Upon returning the key, the user will scan its barcode or RFID tag, and insert the key back into its respective blade.
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