Forty-five percent of U.S. households can now recycle cartons through their curbside recycling programs and other recycling venues, thanks to a voluntary private and public collaboration that includes industry, recycling facilities and local governments. (Click here to see an infographic illustrating key metrics.)
The Carton Council of North America, a group of carton manufacturers united to deliver long-term collaborative solutions in order to divert valuable cartons from the landfill, announced today that the new milestone had been reached. Forty-five percent access is an increase of 150 percent from 2009, when the Carton Council was formed and carton recycling access stood at just 18 percent.
Largest U.S. Cities to Have Access to Carton Recycling |
1. New York |
2. Los Angeles |
3. Philadelphia |
4. San Antonio |
5. San Diego |
In 2009, 21 million U.S. households had access to carton recycling in 26 states. Now, 52.5 million households in 45 states can recycle cartons, including residents in New York, Dallas, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Denver, San Diego, Louisville, Arlington and Los Angeles.
“More and more communities are coming on board and establishing access for their residents to recycle cartons,” said Jason Pelz, vice president, environment, Tetra Pak North America, and vice president of recycling projects for the Carton Council of North America. “Sixty-four of the 100 largest U.S. cities are part of the carton recycling movement and provide access to carton recycling to their residents. The progress in increasing access across the U.S. is indicative of the recyclability of cartons as well as their value through strong end markets.”
The newest recycling facilities to come on board and accept cartons are Gold Coast in California and Republic Services in Lorain, Ohio. The addition of these two facilities and the communities they serve helped in reaching the 45 percent milestone.
“Industry and community support is only continuing to grow across the country, and we are channeling that support into our ongoing efforts of adding access and infrastructure for recycling cartons,” said Pelz. “We are encouraged by this 45 percent milestone and are even more motivated to move full speed ahead toward achieving 50 percent and eventually 60 percent access.”