Sixty Percent of Sealed Air Plants Avoid Landfills

April 21, 2011
Sealed Air, manufacturer of packaging materials and equipment systems, announced that 60% of its global manufacturing facilities attained “zero waste-to-landfill” for plastic raw material usage in 2010

Sealed Air, manufacturer of packaging materials and equipment systems, announced that 60% of its global manufacturing facilities attained “zero waste-to-landfill” for plastic raw material usage in 2010.

“More than 95% of our plastic raw materials are used to produce saleable products,” said Vince Herran, global recycling director for Sealed Air. “Much of our success in moving toward zero waste is the result of several programs we have implemented across our global manufacturing supply chain that improve yields and identify beneficial uses for our scrap material.”

According to Herran, these programs have resulted in Sealed Air being able to reuse in its own products, recycle into other useful products, or use for energy recovery a large majority of its plastic waste throughout all of its operations. The company further reports that it realized a 72% improvement compared to waste figures from 2002.

“Our SmartLife approach focuses on understanding and improving the environmental profiles of our products and the products that our products protect,” said Ron Cotterman, executive director of sustainability for Sealed Air. “We look across the entire life cycle —from material use and energy consumption to CO2 emissions and waste generation.”

To achieve further progress on its zero waste-to-landfill initiative, Sealed Air is developing programs to find more applications for scrap including using recycled materials in construction, such as concrete blocks and roofing material, and railroad ties.

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