In the letter, CDW urged members of the Senate and House "to oppose all efforts to pass any provision included in the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA H.R. 800/S. 1041)."
"We wanted to take the opportunity to remind members of Congress of the overwhelming opposition from the business community, their constituents and union households to this anti-worker legislation," says Brian Worth with CDW. "This bill is a job killer and fundamentally undemocratic."
The letter also states:
"This legislation poses not only an assault on an individual's right to privacy, but a direct threat to economic growth and job creation. Particularly at a time of economic uncertainty, Congress should not enact measures that threaten our economic competitiveness, including the Employee Free Choice Act. Furthermore, this legislation would have a particularly devastating impact on small employers who are the primary source for new jobs in our economy."
Over the next few months, CDW plans to implement an aggressive grassroots and media campaign to defeat the EFCA.
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