Swisslog’s AutoStore is a “Goods to Person” piece-pick and storage solution consisting of a cubical grid and plastic bins stored on top of, and adjacent to, one another, with virtually no gaps in between. The bins are stored and retrieved by a series of robots that move on top of the grid. Each robot features its own functionality to lift the bins, move them to workstations and then place them back in the grid. Each robot can reach any bin, and each bin can get to every workstation, providing redundancy and agility for ever-changing requirements and peak demands.
The storage position of goods inside the grid is automatically optimized so that frequently-ordered goods remain in the upper reaches of the grid for fast access. The size and form of the grid can also be adapted to any existing facility to ensure optimal space usage.
A working AutoStore unit will be on display at the ProMat Show, booth #2323 in Chicago, March 21-24.