Checkpoint Systems Inc. announces the availability of its new white paper, titled "Profiting From Process: Using EPC/RFID To Create New Business Value." Featuring the five characteristics of successful pilots, the document has been developed to help prepare retailers, CPG manufacturers and logistics providers for successful EPC project implementation.
From years of experience conducting RF business pilots and providing systems that deliver real, proven return on investment for retail and manufacturing clients, Checkpoint Systems has determined there are five characteristics of a successful pilot. The best RF pilot projects are:
• Supported from the top of the organization The most successful pilots have an intra-company project team with a business vision of success and are supported with a high-level champion.
• Structured to validate a specific business premise Structure brings focus to the project, making it easier to evaluate performance and success. Ideally, the structure of the pilot not only engages the business, but also its trading partners.
• Designed to achieve specific, measurable and verifiable goals It's imperative to benchmark the current process and define the criteria for a successful pilot. Determine the methodology for evaluation before you begin and be sure it can answer whether or not the EPC/RFID system creates a better process.
• Phased to mitigate the impact on the organization Successful pilot designs also minimize the impact on the current production environment but still replicate real-world conditions. The pilot should be conducted in phases, culminating in a live trial followed by a phased rollout.
• Designed to be scalable.
Scalability goes beyond the IT equipment to include processes and the complete solution -- including hardware, software, employees and the solution providers. One way to measure scalability is to ask "Can this be done anywhere within my business?"
Checkpoint Systems is a multinational manufacturer and provider of product identification and shrink management solutions for the consumer packaged goods and retail industries. For more information, visit