This full-day, tightly focused forum will be held October 20, 2004, at Stony Brook University in Stony Brook, New York. It will address some misunderstood facts, half-truths and maybe even some untruths reported about bar codes and RFID technology every day.
Why? RFID is expected to be a multibillion dollar industry. Giant users, such as the Department of Defense (DoD), Wal-Mart, Target, Metro and others, have RFID-adoption mandates in place. RFID is widely touted as the fastest-growing technology for supply chain tracking, and major semiconductor giants have said it is the future of their industry. This forum will help early adopters understand the technology and how it fits into existing bar code infrastructures and provide expanded capabilities to new information systems.
Questions: Are major retailers going to use RFID to eliminate bar codes? Will the use of RFID violate personal privacy? Is the Department of Defense (DOD) going to buy millions of RFID tags? Are hospitals going to use RFID to save lives by tracking patients, medications and procedures given to them? Will RFID solve all application requirements?
Truth in Technology 2004: RFID and Bar Codes will bring together leading representatives from the user, supplier, technology and international communities who will discuss the real issues regarding the implementation of RFID and the continuing role of bar coding. Many of today's challenges are nearly identical to those with bar coding 20 to 30 years ago. The AIDC 100 is made up of members who pioneered the applications that first used bar codes and could or will use RFID. These professionals as well as industry experts will share their implementation and market development experiences and thoughts.
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