NEMA Now Offering Twelve ISO Industrial Automation Standards

Aug. 1, 2003
ROSSLYN, Va., NEMA, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, is now offering its customers twelve ISO standards covering advanced aspects of

ROSSLYN, Va., NEMA, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association, is now offering its customers twelve ISO standards covering advanced aspects of industrial automation systems. These cutting-edge publications complement NEMA's own standards and allow the organization to offer a more complete set of industrial automation standards to its members.

NEMA/ISO 13281:1997, Manufacturing Automation Programming Language Environment Overview (MAPLE)-Functional Architecture ($110), specifies the functional architecture of MAPLE. It can be purchased at

NEMA/ISO 13281-2:2000, Manufacturing Automation Programming Environment (MAPLE)-Part 2: Services and Interfaces ($135), specifies a minimum set of services to be provided and interface requirements for creating a MAPLE. It may be purchased at

NEMA/ISO/TR 12186:1993, Manufacturing Automation Programming Language Environment Overview (MAPLE) ($104), describes the requirements for a MAPLE. It may be purchased at

NEMA/ISO 14258:1998, Concepts and Rules for Enterprise Models ($74), specifies concepts and rules for computer-understandable models of a manufacturing enterprise to better enable enterprise processes to interoperate. It may be purchased at

NEMA/ISO 15704:2000, Requirements for Enterprise-Reference Architectures and Methodologies ($127), defines the requirements for enterprise-reference architectures and methodologies. It may be purchased at

NEMA/ISO 16100-1:2002, Manufacturing Software Capability Profiling for Interoperability-Part 1: Framework ($142), specifies a framework for the interoperability of a set of software products used in the manufacturing domain and to facilitate its integration into a manufacturing application.

It may be purchased at NEMA/ISO 9506-1:2000, Manufacturing Message Specification-Part 1: Service Definition ($314), defines the manufacturing message specification within the OSI application layer in terms of an abstract model defining the interaction between users of the service; the externally visible functionality of implementations conforming to ISO 9506; the primitive actions and events of the service; the parameter data associated with each primitive action and event; and the relationship between, and the valid sequences of, these actions and event. It may be purchased at

NEMA/ISO 9506-2:2000, Manufacturing Message Specification-Part 2: Protocol Definition ($210), specifies the manufacturing message specification as an application layer standard designed to support messaging communications to and from programmable devices in a computer integrated manufacturing environment. It may be purchased at

NEMA/ISO/TR 10314-1:1990, Shop Floor Production-Part 1: Reference Model for Standardization and a Methodology for Identification of Requirements ($50), and NEMA/ISO/TR 10314-2:1991, Shop Floor Production-Part 2: Application of the Reference Model for Standardization and Methodology ($142), present and describe a means of identifying where new or revised manufacturing standards may be required. They establish a reference model for shop floor production, which is then used as the basis for developing a methodology for the identification and extraction of areas for standards. They may be purchased at and, respectively.

NEMA/ISO/TR 11065:1992, Industrial Automation Glossary ($210), defines terms relevant to automation in an industrial manufacturing environment. It may be purchased at NEMA/ISO/TR 13283:1998, Time-Critical Communications Architectures-User Requirements and Network Management for Time-Critical Communications Systems ($142), identifies user requirements for systems supporting time-critical communications systems and the network management, which are specific to time-critical communications architecture in peer-to-peer and multipeer communications in or between application processes. It may be purchased at These standards may also be purchased by contacting Global Engineering Documents at (800) 854-7179 (within the U.S.), (303) 397-7956 (international), or (303) 397-2740 (fax).

NEMA is the leading trade association in the United States representing the interests of electroindustry manufacturers. Founded in 1926 and headquartered near Washington, D.C., its 400 member companies manufacture products used in the generation, transmission and distribution, control, and end-use of electricity. Domestic shipments of electrical products within the NEMA scope exceed $100 billion.