WASHINGTON, D.C., - The Reusable Pallet & Container Coalition (RPCC) has established two task forces: one to study the impact of reusable pallets and a second to examine secure supply chain management, it was announced.
The RPCC named Jon Holthausof Worthington Steelpac, Inc. to chair the task force on reusable pallets. The creation of this ground-breaking task force is in direct response to an overwhelming interest in pallets--regardless of material--at the federal, state, and local levels in the North American business community, said Allan Wasserman, president of the RPCC.
The task force will examine the economic, environmental, and safety benefits created by the re-use of pallets of any material: treated wood, fibre, plastic, or steel.
"The establishment of this committee is a logical outgrowth of the dramatic increase in awareness of reusable pallets and their ability to reduce solid waste, costs in fees, storage space, handling labor, and incineration," said Wasserman.
Phil Boyle of SaviTechnology will chair the task force on supply chain security established by the RPCC. The creation of this task force is in direct response to overwhelming interest in supply chain security at the federal, state, and local levels in the American and global business communities.
This task force will examine the economic benefits and safety issues of secure supply chain management, from the grower/manufacturer to the retailer.
"This is an issue in which various U.S. government agencies are weighing in and are moving toward imposing compliance with increasingly stricter regulations which, if not integrated into a more efficient supply chain, will adversely affect the safety of our citizens as well as the industry's bottom line," said Wasserman. "The RPCC believes that in order to survive -- and thrive -- the reusable transport packaging industry needs to utilize the data from increased tracking and monitoring to gain efficiencies in the supply chain." To this end, the Supply Chain Task Force will examine utilizing technologies such as bar codes, RFID tracking tags, seal tags, GPS, Driver ID (biometrics), and video monitoring.
The Coalition, which is headquartered in Washington, D.C., advocates the use of reusable pallets and containers because of the economic, environmental, and safety benefits of re-use. The RPCC advocates the expanded integration of reusablesinto transport packaging systems through legislative and regulatory actions, strategic alliances, standards, guidelines, best practices, education and public awareness.
Founded in 1999, the Reusable Pallet & Container Coalition is a 501(c)(6) non-profit association representing pooled and reusable pallet and container companies in North America. The RPCC membership believes the issue of non-reusable pallets or containers is a national concern that leads to millions of dollars in waste each year. Reusable pallet and container systems are used globally by leading companies, who have found these systems to be the most cost-effective and environment-friendly method of handling and transporting most types of goods. For more information, visit the Coalition's Web site at http://www.rpcc.usor call 202-625-4899.