The lack of employees skilled in RFID technology is going to negatively impact the adoption of RFID, according to the results of a new survey released by the Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA, Dallas).
Seventy-five percent of the technology companies participating in the CompTIA survey said there is not a sufficient pool of talent in RFID technology to hire from. And 80% of those respondents said the lack of skilled labor will hamper the adoption of RFID technology. That compares to only 53% who said the shortage in skilled labor would negatively impact RFID adoption in last year's survey.
"RFID is a complex and still evolving technology, and expertise is absolutely required for its usage to be a success," said David Sommer, vice president, electronic commerce, CompTIA. "The skill sets and "need-to-knows" related to RFID are many and varied. Clearly there is work to be done in our industry in terms of RFID education, training and professional certification."
Source: Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA)