NEW YORK-In choosing to participate in the CPower New York Reserves Program, Lafarge North America will be helping the state maintain a reliable supply of energy and get money back on overall electricity costs.
Lafarge is a world leader in building materials, including cement, aggregates and concrete and Gypsum. In 2009, for the fifth year in a row, Lafarge is listed in the “Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World.” CPower offerings include energy management services and solutions that enable companies to reduce energy use and earn market payments for those reductions.
CPower will manage the Lafarge Ravena, N.Y., plant. When requested, Lafarge will curtail up to 15 megawatts (MW) of electricity, reducing the need for utility providers to keep stand-by generators fully loaded, idling and burning fuel, that can be placed online in the event of a power system emergency.
Being on stand-by to take a portion of its electrical load off the grid when needed, Lafarge is providing immediate relief to the grid and a clean alternative to running stand-by generators. In exchange for its participation, Lafarge is projected to earn as much as 10% back on its cost of electricity.
The Ravena plant’s environmental manager, John Reagan, says, “In the spirit of sustainable construction and environmental conservation, Lafarge is always looking for new, innovative ways to become more energy efficient. Participating in a reserves program seemed to be the natural next step for us. CPower’s knowledge of the market and track record of success in enabling sophisticated business operations will undoubtedly allow us to meet our sustainability goals efficiently while generating a significant source of revenue.”
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