The 8th International Material Handling Research Colloquium (IMHRC) will be held 13-17 June 2004 in Graz, Austria. The purpose of the Colloquium is to share research accomplishments and directions in the field of material handling logistics. As in the past, the Colloquium will operate on an immersion philosophy of complete participation in the Colloquium events (presentations, poster sessions, breakout sessions, tours, social events). Below you will find the call for papers and other preliminary information related to the Colloquium.
The Call for Papers:
Papers for the Colloquium are requested from researchers performing research and development work in material handling and logistics or closely related fields of study. Research and development topics eligible for inclusion are those that address issues related to the planning, design, selection and/or operation of plant facilities (including warehousing and manufacturing), equipment and distribution/production systems in connection with the movement, storage, control and protection of material flowing through the supply chain as part of the production and distribution process.
Papers are encouraged from both university-based researchers and industry researchers (both the supplier and end-user communities). The deadline for submitting an email/letter of intent plus an extended abstract of current or recently completed work is due no later than 15 November 2003. E-mail submission of extended abstracts to Mike Ogle at MHIA is encouraged ([email protected]).
Those receiving this Call are encouraged to share it with co-workers or colleagues who are pursuing material handling related research topics.
Review and Selection:
Participation in the colloquium is by invitation only and is based on a competitive review process of the extended abstracts. The criteria for paper selection include evidence of original work, new knowledge or design problem solutions based on actual industrial need, and/or the potential for the transfer of new knowledge to actual industrial practice. Survey papers or software packages encompassing known analytical procedures will not be considered.
Following review of the extended abstracts, formal invitations will be sent to potential participants in early January.
Conduct of the Colloquium:
The Colloquium program will include a mix of invited presentations, facilitated discussions, poster sessions, warehouse/plant tours and many local social events. There is no specific theme to the 2004 Colloquium, but one may develop dependent on the subject matter represented by the accepted papers and the research and development interests of the invited participants. As background and preparatory reading, every invited participant will be sent a complimentary set of materials collected by the planning committee.
The underlying objectives of the Colloquium are to share research accomplishments and directions, and to foster dialog concerning collaborative, practical research between suppliers, industrial end-users of technology, and university research teams.
Publication of Proceedings:
The final version of all contributed papers (due 15 April 2004) must be submitted in electronic PDF format according to specific paper preparation guidelines that will be provided. A pre-print of all papers will be prepared and distributed via CD-ROM in advance of the Colloquium. Following the Colloquium, the contributed papers will be published in a hardbound book.
Conditions and Costs for Participating:
By accepting an invitation to attend, participants are agreeing to submit a final paper by 15 April 2004 and attend the full duration of the Colloquium.
On-site costs will be paid by the sponsors (cost of housing based on shared double occupancy, organized meal functions and social gatherings) for all invited academic researchers registered as the primary presenter of a research paper. There will be additional costs for anyone requiring a single room or sharing the room with someone who is not a primary presenter of a research paper. Travel costs will be borne by the attendees. Some travel assistance may be available for primary paper presenters from North America through the Material Handling Institute (contact Mike Ogle, [email protected]).
General inquiries about IMHRC 2004 should be directed to [email protected] or to the Material Handling Institute at (704) 676-1190. Additional information is available at the 2004 IMHRC web site at: