
Food Producers Ask FDA to Limit Foreign Supplier Verification Requirements

Jan. 28, 2014
Importer should not be responsible for having specific detailed information about each of the original growers, produce growers say.

After 10 months reviewing the proposed Foreign Supplier Verification Programs for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals (Foreign Supplier Verification Rule) of the Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA), United Fresh Produce Association submitted comments of food industry working groups to the FDA. The working groups represent numerous member companies throughout the fresh produce supply chain.

“From the beginning of our work to pass food safety legislation, we’ve advocated for a level playing field for foreign and domestic producers,” said Dr. David Gombas, United senior vice president of food safety and technology. “It’s critical that FDA establishes food safety requirements that keep consumers safe and that all suppliers meet, no matter what their geographic location or size.”

In its comments on the Foreign Supplier Verification Rule, the association raises several key issues:

Direct Suppliers

The importer’s Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) should be limited to the direct supplier, not the supplier’s suppliers. We agree that the importer should hold the aggregator accountable for meeting food safety regulatory requirements in its supply chain, but the importer should not be responsible for having specific detailed information about each of the original growers.

Verify Compliance with Relevant Regulation

FSVP should be limited to verifying compliance with the relevant regulation. We encourage FDA to limit importers’ requirements to verification that direct suppliers are in compliance with the relevant regulation and to not require importers of fresh produce to perform a hazard analysis beyond the scope of the Produce Safety rule.

Same Requirements as Domestic Suppliers

Foreign suppliers should follow the same requirements as domestic suppliers; therefore, standards for foreign suppliers should be the same as those in the Produce Safety rule, subject to the revisions we have recommended.

In the Produce Safety rule, FDA proposed to limit the risks covered in the rule to microbiological, not chemical or physical hazards.  However, in the Foreign Supplier Verification rule, FDA proposes to require importers to evaluate potential chemical and physical hazards in fresh produce exported to the United States.  This potentially requires foreign fresh produce growers to comply with food safety standards that exceed requirements of domestic operations, inviting a WTO challenge. 

No Exemption for Small Foreign Suppliers

While very small foreign suppliers may have size-appropriate requirements, there should not be any exemptions.  Importers’ requirements should be the same, regardless of the importer’s or foreign supplier’s size.

Flexibility of Tools and Approach

Importers should be allowed to use whatever tools/approach they deem appropriate for evaluating foreign suppliers’ compliance with the applicable regulation.

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